Macemasters™ Handheld Maces

Macemasters™ polished stainless steel handheld mace weights are a light touch piece of training equipment with fixed maces. Macemasters™ handheld maces are practical for yoga, boxing training and stretching. We make handles in Fumed Oak, Stainless Steel and Ash Wood.

Macemasters™ training is one of the most effective ways to train and condition your whole body while mimicking real world movement to strengthen body and mind. Originally developed by ancient Indian Warriors and well documented in Indian mythology, previously used by the God Hanuman, it was directly applicable to real-world combat and wrestling. 


"Chick" Halton worked in the specialist wine trade for many years before her first child was born.


"I have always played around with being fit but after a difficult pregnancy and birth with my second child, I felt a huge urge to become fit and strong.

I started training and a few years down the line I picked up a mace and never looked back, I was totally hooked! I have never been as fit or as strong as I am now. I find training with the mace empowering and now I teach others, whilst helping to create new exercises specifically for our mace. I enjoy sharing the feeling of strength and power it brings. Training with Mace masters is all about having fun and getting fit and strong with a kind supportive group people".

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Polished Stainless Steel

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Rainbow Stainless Steel